Anything Goes 歌詞- 許慧欣
許慧欣( eVonne ) - Anything Goes 歌詞:Times have changed,, 時代已經不一樣了, And we've often rewound the clock,, 讓我們倒轉時鐘, Since the Puritans got a ...
Anything Goes 歌詞許慧欣※
Anything Goes 作詞:Cole Porter 作曲:Cole Porter 編曲:HAJIME OGASAWARA Times have changed, 時代已經不一樣了And we've often rewound the clock, 讓我們倒轉 ...
Anything Goes 歌词
歌曲名:Anything Goes 歌手:Benny Carter 专辑:Jazz Profile: Benny Carter 许慧欣- Anything Goes 词曲:Cole Porter Times have changed And we've often rewound ...
Anything Goes(凡事皆可) 歌詞- 許慧欣
許慧欣( eVonne ) - Anything Goes(凡事皆可) 歌詞:Times have changed,, And we've often rewound the clock,, Since the Puritans got a shock,, When they landed ...
Anything Goes-歌詞
Anything Goes-歌詞- Times have changed,時代變了And we've often rewound the clock,讓我們倒轉時鐘Since the Puritans got a shock,回到當年清教徒.
Anything Goes(凡事皆可) 作詞:Cole Porter 柯爾波特作曲:Cole Porter 柯爾波特Times have changed, And we've often rewound the clock, Since the Puritans got a ...